A tribute to my Granny
Our granny taught us a lot about life, about friendship and most importantly about unconditional love. She has never been just a grandmother to us, but our teacher, our friend and our inspiration. Granny has inspired us to be strong, courageous and to never let life get in the way of what we want.
We will treasure the memories of our time together - the trips to the park, the gingerbread she would buy us from the bakery, the time she would make us eat our peas and the amazing dumplings that she made in the winter.
Sleepovers at Granny’s always meant ice cream after bedtime and the electric blanket on for the time that we went to bed. She looked after us so well - I even remember not so long ago when I stayed whilst she was poorly - she had got out of bed before me in the morning and had come and tucked me back in so I could sleep some more.
Our Granny was always our constant in our slightly turbulent childhood and i do not believe that we would be the people we are today without her guidance and support. Her door was always open to us and her house always so warm!
Granny always believed in us. She was always so excited to hear our news and i think that secretly we were always excited to tell her. We wanted to make her proud.
Granny was a glamorous, straight to the point kind of lady. When we found out she had cancer unbelievably she became even more glamorous. We still spent hours shopping - I’m sure my shopping and buying new clothes addiction was inherited from her! I will continue to shop til I drop - its what she would’ve wanted.
Granny never went anywhere without a bit of lippy and I even remember I had collected her from the hospice in the Summer for an appointment with the Oncologist at the hospital. I said to her ‘Gosh Granny you look a bit flash for the hospital’ Her reply? ‘Amy I can’t have the Dr seeing me look ill can I?!’
This was Granny’s attitude throughout her life. She was a strong, determined and slightly stubborn lady.
Granny - thank you for the love. Thank you for teaching us what it is to be loved. Thank you for making us the centre of your universe. We are forever grateful and you are forever remembered and loved.

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