22 things I have learnt in my 22 years

1. You are going to try and control everything in your life. However, as much as you try you aren't going to succeed.  This is ok. It is normal to make mistakes, in fact it is compulsory - it helps you grow. Life is scary, but it is wonderful so enjoy it. The good and the bad. 

2. Always be kind to yourself and others around you. Compassion and empathy are two of the best traits to have. 

3. Getting up at 7am and going for a run isn't for everybody! It is ok to hit the snooze button and roll over for an extra twenty minutes. Don't feel guilty.

4. However, it is important to get some exercise into your daily life. A twenty minute HIIT session will set you up for the day. 

5. It is perfectly OK to get in your pjs and curl up with a good book after a long day.

6. Sometimes all you need is a few cocktails with your best friends.

7. Despite a few cocktails being wonderful, do NOT drunk text/call/facetime/whatsapp. You will make a tit of yourself and seriously regret it in the morning.

8. You have to learn when to let people go. Sometimes it will be hard, but if they are bringing you more negativity than positivity then it is time to walk away. 

9. You aren't weird because you only have a couple of close friends. You lose a lot of people in your 20s but the people that you're left with are the special ones. 

10. Despite many misconceptions, people cannot read minds. If you want something, you're going to have to ask for it. Especially men. Men CANNOT read minds at ALL. If you want him to text you 'Goodnight' every night, chances are you'll have to let him know.

11. Save an amount of your paycheck every single month, even if it is only £10. Getting to 22 with no savings was not a clever move.

12. As much as savings are important and your parents may drum it in to you how you shouldn't have bought those Converse last week...If you want those Converse - buy them. This is a time of no responsibility AND earning your own money - Enjoy it. 

13. Write a small book journal entry after every book you have read just so you have a record of it. There will come a point where you remember you've read a certain book but that is as far as your memory will allow you.

14. Spend time with the special people in your life. Grandparents are going to start aging quickly. Savour these moments and make happy memories.

15. Don't ever feel the need to explain your decisions to others. They are YOURS and you don't need to justify your choices to anyone, unless you want to. 

16. On that note, don't ever do something you don't want to. Don't feel pressured to go to that party, that gig, that meal out. If you don't have the money, you have something else on, or you simply don't feel like it - don't go and don't feel guilty.

17. However, sometimes there are some events that you do really need to go to...weddings, christenings, your best mates 21st. Put a nice dress on, pour a glass of wine and I can assure you that you will most likely have a good time.

18. Always remember that every single person is different and that means that what works for you won't always work for everyone. 

19. Your Facebook feed is going to start being filled with houses, weddings, babies, travelers, people claiming they've got the best job in the world, graduations... Don't ever let any of this phase you. You are on your own path. 

20. Don't hold a grudge. They aren't healthy and they don't help you to move forward

21. If you have an issue with somebody, talk about it. Face to face...Or at least over the phone. Don't let it sit festering inside of you and DEFINITELY do not discuss it over text. Comments can be misconstrued and you can make it ten times worse.

22. Most importantly, admit that you were wrong and you made a mistake. We are all human. Never stop learning and changing your viewpoints -This is not you being hypocritical, it is you learning and growing as a person. 


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