A Letter To 16 Year Old Me

Me, aged 16 - NYE

You are now 16. You think that you have your life planned out. Hear me now - you don't.
A ton of shit is coming your way and at that moment you are going to think that you will not be able to deal with it. Before pain and suffering capture your good heart, I hope you know that even when you’re pushed to the very edge of defeat, everything will be okay. 
Stop trying to have control over everything in your life. Stop being the adult. You will grow up very quickly and you will wish that you could have your teen years back again.
When Dad and Sonia are strict with you - don't have a go at them. Don't scream at them and tell them they can't stop you spending the night out... They aren't doing this because they want to control you. They are doing it because they care about you and want you to have a bright future. They are doing it because they know that you don't have much structure at home and they want to be the consistency that you are lacking. You shouldn't blame them for this. They don't want you to stop having a life - they want you to have a good, safe and successful one.
Be more patient with your brother. He is 11 right now. He has been pushed and pulled in a million different directions from the age of 8. He is 11...let him be an annoying 11 year old. One day soon he will start to realise the reality of his parents' feuds. Also Amy, he will always love you.
The friends that you have right now may not always be there. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Appreciate the time you spend together but don't lose out on friendships with other people because of them.
Trying to change people will get you nowhere. You need to accept that there are certain people around you that cannot be changed. You can't blame yourself for this. You can wish and want for somebody to change their behaviour but sometimes this will only cause you more pain. Learn to accept them for who they are.
Don't ever stop reading. Other things may seem more important or more fun... but trust me you will regret it if you stop reading. People may think you're weird for wanting to curl up in bed with a good book...Let them. At home, with a good book is where you find your biggest comfort. Don't lose sight of your passion.
Learn to let things go, and learn when to stand up for what's right. Don't hold grudges. Don't be a sheep. If you don't agree with something somebody has said or done - speak up. Don't let it fester away inside of you.
And as Sam says in A Cinderella Story (a film that will never get old btw) -


  1. absolutely loved this post, it genuinely really touched me - especially about the brother and your parents! you totally don't realise when you're a teenager, but parents really do know what's best for you! i used to get so angry at mine for not letting me do stuff or making me work harder, but they only ever did it for me, bless their cotton socks! i'm very glad i'm out the other side of being a moody little shit now - can see the light haha!

    i also used to have that quote from cinderella written on my wall when i was about 16 - such a classic hilary duff quote character haha. #lizziemcguirerocks

    katie. xx lacoconoire.com

    1. Ahh thank you lovely! No you really start noticing things when you get into your twenties don't you?!

      HA - I know, I have seen that film so many times I have memorised the words haha! Never gets old xxx


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