The Night Circus

This is a book that I did not want to finish. A majority of my time reading it I was left confused; there are different POVs and the novel constantly jumps around in time. However, instead of this leaving me frustrated, it actually left me eager to continue and to delve deeper into the novel. Morgenstern leaves us in the dark but this brings us closer to the characters and the circus itself. It becomes complicated and you realise there are only 40 pages left. 40 pages is not enough book for the amount of story you, as a reader, want and need. I finished this novel and my brain combusted (metaphorically of course). I sat and realised that Morgenstern had manipulated us, as readers, to feel this way. She gives us such vibrant characters and such a unfamiliar setting that we have devoured every page but we have failed to completely understand the plot. Everything is connected and we don't realise until it is all over. For this reason, I think this novel is much like...